Re: FVWM: Access to Client Application Resource Database

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Tue, 07 Dec 1999 09:07:15 -0500

"Leo Deck" <> writes:
> I would like for fvwm to be able to recognize clientDecoration and
> clientFunctions resources from an application's resource database and
> provide the appropriate window decorations and functions for the
> application's window. The clientDecoration and clientFunctions resources
> are specified in the application's default resource file. The default
> resource file is located in a directory path (i.e., XAPPLRESDIR) defined in
> the shell script that starts the application, and the directory path is not
> readily available to the window manager.
> XAPPLRESDIR for the user login session that activated fvwm is not the same
> directory path as the XAPPLRESDIR defined in the application startup shell
> script.
> For example, if the application's name is app1 and it's class is App1, the
> application-specific default resource file's name would be App1, and the
> resources of interest could be specified in the file App1 in a format as
> follows:
> app1*clientDecoration: value
> app1*clientFunctions: value
> The application resource file does get loaded by the resource manager,
> because the application itself can query the resource database and find the
> clientDecoration and clientFunctions resource specifications. However, this
> resource database does not seem to be available to fvwm.
> I realize that I am trying to do something that is probably out of the
> ordinary. Perhaps, it is not possible to do this. Any insight into the
> feasibility or possibility of doing something like this would be
> appreciated.

OK, I'm not an expert on this, but fvwm pays attention to
MOTIF_WM_HINTS. Search for "MWMDecorHints" and "MWMFunctionHints" in
the man page. This may do what you want.

> Leo Deck

Dan Espen
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