FVWM: Warp to an applications desktop

From: Jos <josvanr_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 12:25:43 +0100


I'm (still) configuring fvwm, (but almost ready), and I
have another question.

I'd like to configure FvwmIconMan
in such a way, that when I click on an application listed
in the icon manager, the viewport warps to the portion of
the virtual screen where the application is located. (In the
same manner as when I had clicked the pager on that part of
the virtual screen.) In this way, one could quickly view
several applications on different parts of the virtual screen,
and find the right one.

The problem is, that when I use WarpToWindow for this, the
not only the viewport is changed, but also the cursor moves
to the window. And of course I'd like the cursor to stay in
the same place, near the icon manager. So I was wondering if
there is a way to warp the cursor back to the previous
position, or to maybe warp only the viewport, and not the cursor.

hope someone can help,



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Received on Thu Dec 02 1999 - 05:25:18 GMT

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