Re: FVWM: Pager focus

From: Subba Rao <>
Date: Thu, 25 Nov 1999 09:59:38 -0500

On 0, Dominik Vogt <> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 24, 1999 at 06:29:45PM -0500, wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > I am using a pager, with 4x3 desktops.
> > When I am using "Desktop" pager, I can use the right mouse button to
> > drag the focus between the different desktops.
> >
> > When I go to "Work" pager, I have to first click on any desktop to get focus.
> > The windows from the "Desktop" pager follow in "Work" pager. Once I set the
> > focus on "Work", they disappear. This is true when I go back to "Desktop".
> > In the "Work" desktop, I cannot use my right mouse button to drag the focus
> > between different desktops.
> >
> > How can I fix these 2 items? Pager focus and RMB drap in the 2nd desktop?
> Sorry, I don't understand what you mean with 'focus' and 'Work'/'Desktop'
> pager. Can you rephrase that for complete idiots (like me)? The answer
> to your second question is: You can't drag the viewport (= the visible
> portion of your work space) to a different desktop. The reason is that
> per design different desktops are not linked in any way. They each have
> their own coordinate system. Better think of them as stacked above each
> other.

I was skeptical about the clarity of my first note. I knew I did not use
the fvwm lingo.

I have included a small gif file to better understand my setup.

This image shows my current desktop. On the FvwmButtons bar, I call the
FvwmPager module with a completely new Pager with the title "Work".
When I switch to "Work", the windows in "Desktop" follow into "Work".
I don't want windows in "Desktop" to follow into "Work".

Regarding my second question, I am not trying to drag the desktop. I want to
scroll to other viewports using RMB. It works fine in the "Desktop" pager but
not in "Work" Pager.

I hope it is a little bit more clear this time. :-)

Subba Rao

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(image/gif attachment: pager.gif)

Received on Thu Nov 25 1999 - 08:59:21 GMT

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