Re: FVWM: Changing current Desktop from a program

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 1999 08:35:14 +0100

On Tue, Nov 23, 1999 at 01:13:39AM -0500, wrote:
> I need to have a way for my program to switch to a particular
> FVWM page. I need to create a button on my application
> that when clicked, will cause the current FVWM page
> to be switched to the one to the right of my application's
> page. Thus I need to know the best way to do in my
> program what hot-keying to the right page does.

You can use the FvwmCommand module. Just start the server in
fvwm's config file:

  AddToFunc InitFunction Module FvwmCommandS

After that you can call FvwmCommand from the command line to
execute any fvwm commands:

  # FvwmCommand "GotoPage 2 3"

(The quotes are necessary, otherwise the '2' and '3' will be interpreted
as separate commands).


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt, Agilent Technologies, Dept. BVS
Herrenberger Str.130, 71034 Boeblingen, Germany
phone: 07031/464-4596, fax: 07031/464-3883,
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Received on Tue Nov 23 1999 - 00:33:10 GMT

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