FVWM: Is this a valid themes implementation?

From: Alex Wallis <awol_at_dove.net.au>
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 04:19:33 +1030

In the last couple of weeks there's been some discussion on this
list regarding "themes" and what exactly are they.
With the direction the current development of fvwm2 is taking,
I offer the attached form for consideration, discussion, and as a

After several name changes, the form is now invoked by the command
        "Module FvwmForm FormFvwmTheme."
The form allows the user to create, load, browse, edit, save and test
any combination of valid colorsets. Libraries of colorsets can be easily created
by using any saved colorset as a template, editing it, and saving it as a new name.
Unfortunately, no attempt is made at any error checking, so care must be taken
not to overwrite an existing colorset number sequence. Up to 5 colorsets per form
unless multiple entries are made to allow for ?Gradient and Pixmap options.

The module saves information for each theme to 2 files. One for it's own use,
and one suitable for FvwmTheme. The latter files can be read by fvwm2,
by inserting the following lines in .fvwm2rc after the ModulePath and ImagePath.

Piperead 'for i in $HOME/.fvwm2_theme.* ; do echo Read $i ; done'
ModuleSynchronous Timeout 5 FvwmTheme

Also attached to this posting is a 'default' theme to get you started. :-)
All comments and suggestions regarding this 'theme' implementation welcome.
Let me know what you think.


P.S. Many thanks to Dan Espen for his friendly help & suggestions.

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Received on Sun Nov 21 1999 - 13:19:32 GMT

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