Re: FVWM: 2 Questions about themes implementation

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 19 Nov 1999 15:35:33 -0500

Alex Wallis <> writes:
> (Is this a valid theme implementation?)
> The first file this form creates is called .fvwm2_$(ThemeName).options
> A set of strings to manipulate the colorsets.
> Which brings me to my first question.
> Everything seems to work fine... so why am I getting these errors?
> e.g.
> ThemeOptions.: Active command unknown: *ThemeOptions.UseData .fvwm2_default.o
> ptions *ThemeOptions.Default

FvwmForm is complaining about receiving the UseData command
after it finished reading all its configuration commands.
Thats what the "Active command unknown" part is about.

As FvwmForm stands now, you have to exit and start a new FvwmForm
in order to read new data. I'm not sure how you are going to
get the same form to read in different themes. Perhaps you
can create a form for each on the fly?

Or, some code changes in FvwmForm might be in order.

> I know I'm probably doing something in an unorthodox manner, and I've
> certainly learned that syntax is all important to fvwm2. Can anyone explain?
> The second file is the set of FvwmThemeColorset options suitable for reading
> at the start of your .fvwm2rc in the format .fvwm2_theme.$(ThemeName)
> So that's my next question. Now that I can create as many "themes" as I like,
> as names instead of numbers, what exactly is the syntax for specifying
> Read .fvwm2_theme.*

I think you can get PipeRead to do this for you.

Beware of the PipeRead example in the man page, when I just displayed
it under XEmacs with M-x man, all the good pieces of the example are

Dan Espen
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