Re: FVWM: Fvwm Themes rfc?

From: Jason Kibblewhite <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 20:32:12 -0700

Dan Espen wrote:

> I don't know if FvwmForm is flexible enough we'd have to see.
> I think FvwmScript might be up to it, but I don't know the module yet.
> But for pre-written themes, AddToMenu might be enough. (You read the
> theme, and it adds itself to the menu.)
> I'd prefer to stay away from anything that requires additional
> packages.

Well staying away from more "fluff" in the packages is certainly

a good idea.

I also believe that FvwmForm is not flexible enough on it's own

however in use with a sh script it would be quick simple, but

then we run into the fluff problem.

I was/am working on a FvwmScript to do this, I've run into a

few problems here and there script and hardware wise in the

last few months so I haven't touched it in weeks. but at present

you can tell it if you want the style additions, titlebars, sound

buttons, etc. I have yet to add FvwmTheme support however.

If this sound like it might meet the idea I can finish up the

FvwmTheme stuff in it and give out copies to play with.

This is my .sig, pretty dull eh
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