Re: FVWM: Fvwm Themes rfc?

From: Kendrick Vargas <>
Date: Mon, 15 Nov 1999 13:19:36 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 15 Nov 1999, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 15, 1999 at 11:29:38AM -0500, wrote:
> > "Matthew W. Roberts" <> writes:
> >
> > > There are obviously many ideas about themes and how to implement
> > > them. I'm wondering ... would it make sense to take an rfc approach
> > > with this issue? I would be willing to coordinate such an effort
> > > if that would help. I'm not an FVWM expert by any means, but I
> > > am willing to do what I can.
> >
> > Always willing to expose my ignorance, I don't know what an "rfc
> > approach" would be like. I've read RFCs, I'm just not familiar with
> > the creation process.
> >
> > I'd like to pursue this as patches to "sample.fvwmrc/decor_examples"
> > that would put a few basic decors into fvwm2 itself and then the
> > themes could reside wherever and be built on top. Note how
> > "decor_examples" creates a "DecorMenu". I would hope that part of
> > creating a theme would be to add an entry to the "DecorMenu".
> Uh, with all the work I spent with style changes, couldn't we
> just forget about decors and do it with separate files that
> read in certain groups of styles? Perhaps we need a better
> 'UseStyle' style that can be updated at run time.

Actually, I think a combined approach would be nice. One thing I don't
like about the way themes work in KDE and gnome is how a theme doesn't
allow for settings of colors that don't have to do with a theme, and
selecting a new theme completely trashes little tweaks you might have had

I think the ability to have some global decors might allow a file-based
theme be more flexible, and users would be able to choose what it is that
a theme is allowed to change wrt look or feel.

> Al this 'Theme' stuff is closely related to a potential future
> configuration fvwm module/application/script. If we can write
> or edit the config files with such a tool we are already halfway
> there. Can FvwmForm be our config tool? What I dream about is
> an application that fakes a window or menu and where you can click
> on the parts to get a dialog to change the corresponding settings.
> If the output of such scripts is is grouped in several files,
> implementing a theme would be as easy as replacing one or more of
> the files and perhaps restart fvwm (I hope that this is not
> necessary).

If not FvwmForm, then tk :-)

--- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ------------+-----------
GAT d- s:+ !a C+(+++) UI/L/S/B++(+++) | "In the morning glad I see
P>+ L+(++) E---- W+++ N+ o? K? w++++ | My foe outstrech'd beneath the tree."
O--- M-- V PS+++_at_ PE Y-- PGP+ t++ 5 | -The Poison Tree
X++ R- tv+ b DI++ D+ G e>* h*(!) r- | William Blake
y*(+) ------ END GEEK CODE BLOCK -----+

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