FVWM: Binding Keys

From: Kirk I Reiten <kir1229_at_zoro.com>
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 15:03:30 -0800


I added a serial keypad to my system,, xev sees these "kr" keys but
fvwm2 doesn't seem to bind them... Any idea why this is? I did
recompile... Don't know how much help it did since the source doesnt
ref the XK_kr definitions.

I'm severely disabled and this added keypad doubles as my mouse...

Parts of my config follow.



part of my xmodmap looks like:

          keycode 146 = Find
          keycode 147 = Cancel
          keycode 148 = Help
          keycode 149 = Break
          keycode 150 = krIcon
          keycode 151 = krMax
          keycode 152 = krPush
          keycode 153 = krClose
          keycode 154 = krKill
          keycode 155 = krMove
          keycode 156 = krSize
          keycode 157 = krMenu
          keycode 158 = krWinOps
          keycode 159 = krRollUp
          keycode 160 = krRollDn
          keycode 161 =

part of my /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h:


          #define XK_krIcon 0x7100
          #define XK_krMax 0x7101
          #define XK_krPush 0x7102
          #define XK_krClose 0x7103
          #define XK_krKill 0x7104
          #define XK_krMove 0x7105
          #define XK_krSize 0x7106
          #define XK_krMenu 0x7107
          #define XK_krWinOps 0x7108
          #define XK_krRollUp 0x7109
          #define XK_krRollDn 0x710A

part of my /usr/local/etc/system.fvwm2rc

          # some simple default key bindings:
          Key KP_0 A N Iconify
          Key krIcon A N Iconify
          Key krMax A N Maximize
          Key krPush A N Lower
          Key krClose A N Close
          Key krKill A N Destroy
          Key krMove A N Move
          Key krSize A N Resize
          Key krMenu A N Popup
          Key krWinOps A N Popup
          "Window Ops"
          Key krRollUp A N CirculateUp
          Key krRollDn A N

          Key Next A SCM Next [*] Focus
          Key Prior A SCM Prev [*] Focus

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