Re: FVWM: Re: Fvwm Themes

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 10 Nov 1999 10:13:47 -0500

%% Alex Wallis <> writes:

  aw> Jason Kibblewhite wrote :

>> I'm sure other people are working on trying to make themes setups for
>> fvwm2 aswell. I know I am but I don't really have much time right now
>> and it it's going slowly.

>> What I suggest is that all of us somehow get together that talk about
>> our ideas on this matter so we don't end up with a whole bunch of
>> conflicting ideas and setups.

  aw> Now that's a _very_ good suggestion. As a starting point for
  aw> discussion, let's define a "theme". It's already been proposed
  aw> that menu items should not be changed or affected, but surely
  aw> MenuStyle's are fair game.

I'd like to suggest that anyone working on this obtain the latest FVWM
2.3.x betas or at least get familiar with the new features. We are
working towards many of these goals to greater or lesser extents for 2.4.

For example, FVWM 2.4 will have some colorset capability, so you can
just change a colorset and all modules and fvwm itself will change
(currently it (sometimes?) requires a restart but I think Dominik is
trying to change that).

Also there's a new initial setup environment where if you don't have an
.fvwm2rc file, FvwmForm menus can be used to set up some modules, etc.
This introduces a new, blessed ~/.fvwm/* directory.

I'm not even up on all the things in 2.4 anymore, but anyone working on
theme-ifying FVWM should definitely check them out.

Also, of course we're always interested in hearing about anything you
think could be added to FVWM to make your job (of adding themes) easier.
Can't promise we'll implement them all, but we want to hear them! :)

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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