FVWM: Re: Fvwm Themes

From: Alex Wallis <awol_at_dove.net.au>
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 22:23:38 +1030

Jason Kibblewhite wrote :

>I'm sure other people are working on trying to make themes setups for
>fvwm2 aswell. I know I am but I don't really have much time right now
>and it it's going slowly.


I guess I must be just 1 of quite a lot of people doing this too.
My config is a directory structure of many separate files & dirs and about
3 1/2 meg in size. I currently only have 5 "themes" in my setup but there's an
easy way to add as many as I like. I can switch from "theme" to "theme" via a
menu option, or I could "pre-define" Function keys (on my 'to do list') WITHOUT
restarting fvwm2. I can also rearrange sounds via FvwmEvent via menus. There's
probably more I haven't done yet, than I have...

>What I suggest is that all of us somehow get together that talk about
>our ideas on this matter so we don't end up with a whole bunch of
>conflicting ideas and setups. Then we can get fvwm.themes.org up and
>running again with some new cool fvwm2 themes.

Now that's a _very_ good suggestion.
As a starting point for discussion, let's define a "theme".
It's already been proposed that menu items should not be changed or affected,
but surely MenuStyle's are fair game.
Fvwm2 confuses the 'traditional' way of organising themes, because of it's
Decor functions and many of the other fine features that set fvwm2 apart from
other WM's. Thus a users idea of what a theme consists of might vary greatly
amongst the members of this list.
Knowledgable rational debate followed by a consensus of opinion should surely
preceed any logical development of an "institutionalised" theme site for Fvwm2.

I'm hoping to eventually encourage others to try my own .fvwm2rc config but not
if it would conflict with eventual developments with the window manager itself.
Perhaps if we work together, the (I'm sorry to say) pitiful sample.fvwm2rc that
is distributed with the .src.files could be replaced with the current
developing configs produced by members of this list and others. Or at least the
new "FVWM Themes" page could include more sample.fvwm2rc's that install without
effort, and run efficiently for the "default user".

I for one am eager to see "true" fvwm themes developed and distributed widely.
Even if it's just to show those kde guys what a WM can really do! ;)


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Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 07:27:36 GMT

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