Re: FVWM: Baffled by Window Placement

From: Michael Han <>
Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 22:26:14 -0800

>I recently installed the `potato' version of fvwm on my Debian box:
>% fvwm -version
>[FVWM][main]: Fvwm Version 2.2.3 compiled on Nov 2 1999 at 23:50:00
>I had been running 2.0.46 before.
>Now it seems that I can't get windows to come up where I want them
>to. I had been starting Netscape on another page by doing this:

Why not use the StartsOnPage Style? I'm pretty sure it's present in
2.2.x. If not, insert the big spiel about 2.3 betas and the
anticipated 2.4 version here. With StartsOnPage, you get to change the
following to:

>AddToFunc InitFunction ...
>+ "I" Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape -geometry 711x563+877+609

+ "I" Exec /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape -geometry 711x563+77+9

assuming you have:

Style "Netscape" StartsOnPage 0 1 1

Read the man page for further info. There are some gotchas to using
StartsOnPage... some GlobalOpts you might consider setting, some
placement Styles you want to be using.
coffee achiever                              San Francisco, California
"James Joyce doesn't have a car. Thirteen doesn't have a number."
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Received on Wed Nov 10 1999 - 00:27:37 GMT

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