FVWM: Midnight Commander for GNOME & fvwm-2.2

From: Ilia Chipitsine <ilia_at_cgilh.chel.su>
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 21:19:56 +0600 (ESS)

Dear All,

I've been running fvwm, fvwm2 for years and I am pretty happy with that.
However, after I installled GNOME-1.0 (FreeBSD-3.2) and launched gmc
(GNOME Midnight Commander) it said me ...

** WARNING **: Root window clicks will not work as no GNOME-compliant
window manager could be found!


Is there way to make them understand each other ?
Sorry, maybe it has been discussed already, but I'm subscribed to the

Regards, (Наилучшие пожелания)

 Ilia Chipitsine (Илья Шипицин)

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Received on Wed Sep 29 1999 - 10:57:36 BST

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