Re: FVWM: having a window with frames but no resizing

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 21:02:48 -0400

Pablo Osinaga <> writes:
> On Fri, 03 Sep 1999, you wrote:
> > Fvwm will let you remove the window frames and the title bar, but if
> > you have the command "Resize" bound to a button or a key, you will
> > still be able to resize the window.
> But look at this:
> ...
> Style "Netscape*" NoHandles, NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, ClickToCous
> "Resize binding ON"
> ...
> With this configuration I am not able to resize Netscape windows. But I am ab
> le
> to resize any others.

I just tried it, and I was able to resize the window.

You can't resize by using the frame, because its not there, but
I clicked on the root, brought up a "window operations" menu,
selected resize, the pointer turned into a cross, I clicked on
the window, got the resize frames, and dragged them around to resize.

> If I put BorderWidth 5, for example, now I am able to resize the Netscape
> window, but I dont want this, I want Netscape to continus 'unresizable' while
> having a BorderWidth nonzero.

If you are looking for button bindings to be different, just for Netscape
borders, sorry, fvwm doesn't do that.

> ps: I know, its strange. thats why i was asking first, because there is an
> ambiguity.
> --

Dan Espen
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Received on Fri Sep 03 1999 - 20:04:30 BST

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