Re: FVWM: having a window with frames but no resizing

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 09:31:32 -0400

Pablo Osinaga <> writes:
> On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Dominik Vogt wrote:
> > > Is there any way to tell fvwm that some windows cannot be resized?
> > > I'm sure that there have to be a way to acomplish this...
> >
> > Only by writing the application in a way that it asks for a
> > specific size from the window manager. THere is no Style
> > option allowing this.
> Help me with this. I don't know how these kind of things exactly works.
> I need to tell fvwm not to resize some windows. I am able to do it now by thi
> s
> Stryle (literaly):
> Style "Netscape*" NoHandles, NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, ClickToFocus
> The problem with this is that I have no Border and I would like to have. I
> don't want to have Title.
> You are telling me that I can tell a specific size for my application to the
> window manager (is it part of ICCCM?). I don't have access to the aplication
> (Netscape), so, do you know if is there any way to simulate this request from
> outside netscape? Can I send this request from another program?

If its Netscape you don't want resized, the above suggestion isn't
going to help unless you are using the source from and
make your own modifications. The modifications would consist of
setting the window hints with a maximum and minimum window size which
fvwm will honor.

If you don't want Netscape resized, then the simplest course of action
would be to not resize it. But I suspect that you are after something

Fvwm will let you remove the window frames and the title bar, but if
you have the command "Resize" bound to a button or a key, you will
still be able to resize the window. If you don't want ANY window to
be resized, don't have any menu, key or button bound to the resize
command, and don't allow any of the fvwm modules to be started that
would let an fvwm command to be entered.

I'm not aware of any way you can change a windows size hints without
changing the program that creates the window.

> Thanks a lot, Pablo
> --

Dan Espen
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