FVWM: frills

From: Alan <a_at_alanho.student.princeton.edu>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 1999 16:21:26 -0400

After a brief dalliance with GNOME/Enlightenment/WindowMaker/Afterstep, I've
come back to my FVWM roots.

FVWM has a lot of advantages over these other window managers. But one
thing it hasn't got is a modern-looking logo. It would be nice if we had a
logo which somehow reflected its great qualities: speed, compactness,
elegance, efficiency...

So, calling all artists! If you have some time and would like to make a logo
for fvwm, please send it to me at alanho_at_princeton.edu. I'll post all
submissions at http://www.princeton.edu/~alanho/fvwm/. Come take a look at the
one I made. Perhaps when we get a good one we the humble users can contribute
something to this great project.


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Received on Mon Aug 02 1999 - 15:25:10 BST

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