Re: FVWM: Style-specific 'Mouse'

From: Neil Bird <>
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999 08:43:28 +0100

Nathan Froyd wrote:
> Neil Bird writes:
> > I'm trying to get an 'iconise-all' button onto certain windows (e.g.,
> > "Navigator"). It's farily simple to do this by having a generic Decor, and
> > having a second identical one that's got an extra button, then using that
> > decor on the relevant windows.
> What you could do instead is have Decor "Foo" contain a Button 6, and then
> have the appropriate NoButton statements in your Style
> definition. Admittedly, this doesn't solve the larger problem of changing
> the function for each window. Your suggestion for extra variables in the
> function definition does sound nice, though.

  That's largely what I've got ATM. Currently, I have to have a function
CreateStandardDecor that takes $0 = decor name & creates a decor called
<$0> with all my fav. stuff in. Then, :

    CreateStandardDecor "DefaultDecor"

    CreateStandardDecor "IconiseAllDecor"
    AddToDecor IconiseAllDecor \
       AddButtonStyle 6 Pixmap FNX-window-iconise-all.xpm

  As for the function extra variables. Hmm. I can feel a patch coming on.
If this is a fairly noddy affair (as I suspect it ought to be, but I've
not even glanced at that section of code yet), are enough people
interested for me to do it 'properly' and ask to get it put in? That's
assuming I can do, of course!

  Which kind of leads to an unrelated thing I was wondering about: does
anyone know roughly what the proportion of users of FVWM to actual readers
of this list is? (IYSWIM)

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Received on Fri Jul 23 1999 - 02:44:09 BST

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