FVWM: Re: Getting off this list (a new twist)

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_math.uh.edu>
Date: 21 Jul 1999 09:43:42 -0500

>>>>> "KC" == Kim Carter <aaj15_at_dial.pipex.com> writes:

KC> Since most home users probably use Dynamic IPs and are at risk from
KC> this arbitrary judgement this strikes me as downright ludicrous.

Your provider has a mail server. You must configure your machine to use
it. Pretty simple, really. Failure to do this will result in you not
being able to send to a heck of a lot more hosts than just mine.

I have removed you from the list.

 - J<
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Received on Wed Jul 21 1999 - 09:45:43 BST

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