FVWM: Pixmaps have wrong colours

From: Neil Bird <neil.bird_at_rdel.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1999 09:33:55 +0100

  I understand that fvwm's probably loading XPMs with a degree of lenience
for the colours within the pixmap (as the Xpm library allows) - I'll check
the code in detail in a mo., but in the meantime:

  Im trying to texture-up my display ('cos I can!). I'm limited to 256
cols., so I'm ImageMagicking the pixmaps that I want to use into 8-16
colours, and editing these so that they all use the same small subset of
shades of blue that I prefer. I.e., with all the pixmaps loaded, I still
shouldn't lose more that 16 colours out of my Colourmap

  a) I defined some title-bar button pixmaps (to try to get around the
problem of not being able to have transparent-through-to-the-titlebar
buttons - it still doesn't work, BTW), and found am oddity such that, with
a 4-colour button (transparent, main, and high & low-lights for 3D), the
pixmap's actually plotted with different colours to the ones I have on the
xpm file ... even though the 'main' colour is the same as the title-bar's
background colour.

     Thus, I get, where the pixmap's transparent, the correct 'main'
colour (since it's the background), but where the pixmap has that very
colour in it's definition, I get a distortion of it - like it's failed to
find the real one & picked the nearest).

  b) I've set an 8-colour pixmap to be my menu backdrop. This pixmap works
perfectly well elsewhere, but on the menu, it only ever appears with two
colours, as if it's been dropped to a 1-bit visual.

  Anyone any clues?

  Ref: Sparc/Solaris 2.5.1; fvwm 2.3.6 (snap 19990716). I don't believe
that the problem's restricted to this beta version, though.

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