Re: FVWM: a silly question

From: Danny Dulai <>
Date: 4 Jul 1999 14:19:21 -0000

On 05/18/99, Dominik Vogt said:
>On Tue, May 18, 1999 at 11:48:29AM -0400, wrote:
>> %% Dominik Vogt <> writes:
>> dv> Wow, I didn't know you can do it this complicated ;-)
>> dv> I simply use an alias:
>> dv> alias x="startx $* > ~/.X.err 2>&1"
>> dv> It's less keystrokes to restart X too.
>> Can't work with XDM. And XDM gives even _less_ keystrokes to restart X :)
>Okay, but as a wm developer using xdm is a bit uncomfortable :)

With xdm, its just put in ~/.xsession-errors or /tmp/xses-$USER, or
wherever your xdm is configured to do that (look at the Xsession file in
the xdm dir).

I always thought that if I was a WM developer, I'd be using Xnest to have a
smaller virtual X server inside a window in my normal X server that I could
restart at will without loosing my normal environment. I'm not sure what
has Xnest tho, XFree86 definatly does. I remmeber you doing your
development under AIX (from previous mailing list posts), and I'm not sure
if that exists in their server or even if there is a port of XFree to AIX.

Danny Dulai Feet. Pumice. Lotion.
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