FVWM: Icon Titles hidden behind other Icons

From: Patrick Stadler <patrick.stadler_at_vlsi.com>
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 17:40:18 -0700

Hello. I just recently started using FVWM 2.2.2, and I have been trying
(unsuccessfully) to find the answers to several questions related to

First, is there a way to make the icon title come to the front of the
surrounding area when the mouse passes over it? At present, when I pass
the mouse over an icon, the icon title will expand to give me the full
title, but sometimes will expand behind other icons instead of in front
of other icons where I can read it. How can I make it always come to
the front without using the Autoraise module.

Also, is there a way to make all the icons the same size so that they
have a uniform look? Is there an option I can specify?

Last, every once in a while, an icon will place itself behind another
icon, instead of in an open spot. I haven't been able to reproduce this
reliably. Its not a problem, though, since I have the WindowList bound
to a mouse button, but I just thought you might like to know.

Thank you in advance,
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Received on Fri Jun 25 1999 - 19:42:32 BST

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