Re: FVWM: color map problems

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 24 Jun 1999 16:39:21 -0400

%% Gary Jackson <> writes:

  gj> I figured out the cause of my color map problems. The color map
  gj> starts out fine, but when there is console output to the frame
  gj> buffer while fvwm is running, it gets all screwed up. So,
  gj> starting xconsole before fvwm fixed this problem, and I feel like
  gj> a moron. Oddly enough, however, I was not experiencing this
  gj> problem with twm...

That _is_ really weird.

I typically start X with stdout and stderr redirected to a file, so that
I never get anything printed directly to the screen. Something like:

  $ startx >& ~/.Xerrorlog

or somesuch

  gj> OBTW, am I talking at a wall here? Why haven't I gotten a
  gj> response of any kind, even a "fsck off" or somesuch?

Probably no one had any idea what to tell you, and everyone was waiting
for someone else to say something :).

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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Received on Thu Jun 24 1999 - 15:42:17 BST

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