Re: FVWM: "Transparent" rxvt and FvwmBacker

From: Allin Cottrell <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 21:11:47 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Jun 1999, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> AddToFunc InitFunction
> + Module FvwmCommandS
> + Exec "xpmroot <your image> ; FvwmCommand Refresh"

I probably didn't explain myself well enough, but I don't think
that adding to InitFunction will do what I want. I have a solid
background on desk 1, an xpm background and a "transparent" rxvt
on desk 3. Fvwm has been running for some time. I use Fvwm
Pager to move from desk 3 to desk 1: all OK. I use the pager
again to move from desk 1 to desk 3: the background fills in
fine (after a slight delay), but the rxvt (which was drawn with
no appreciable delay) retains the background of desk 1. What I
wish to do is insert a "wait" (for the xpmroot) before a
"Refresh" of desk 3, so the rxvt will have the right background.

Allin Cottrell.

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