FVWM: xload problem

From: John E. Garrott <johnga_at_primenet.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 17:47:18 -0700

The following line has been sufficient to put an active xload window in
my FvwmButtons console in fvwm2.0.46 and prior.

        *FvwmButtons (2x1) load NULL Swallow "xload" \
                Exec nice -16 xload -nolabel -bg grey60 -update 5 \
                -geometry -1500-1500

It does not work in fvwm2.2, giving the following error messages:

        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "Exec"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "nice"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-16"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "xload"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-nolabel"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-bg"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "grey60"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-update"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "5"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-geometry"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option "-1500-1500"
        FwvmButton: Illegal Swallow option ""
        Missing Swallow argument

I have read the documentation through and through, searched the
and tried every combination of the above command I can find or think of.

Any suggests on how to get it to swallow a working xload window into the
FvwmButton console?

Thanks in advance,

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Received on Fri Jun 11 1999 - 19:45:24 BST

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