FVWM: Re: repainting problem with menus?

From: jason <jason_at_sdf.lonestar.org>
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1999 11:28:26 +0000 ( )

On 7 Jun 1999, Jason L Tibbitts III wrote:

> >>>>> "j" == jason <jason_at_sdf.lonestar.org> writes:
> j> I didn't try it on snap-19990521, the latest snap I could grab.
> Why couldn't you grab any more recent snapshots? They are built nightly
> and the one you have is over two weeks old.

Looking back, that sentence is confusing. I meant to say that I moved,
and that was the latest snap available when I canceled my net access.
Right now, I'm nowhere near my Linux box, and it's really inconvenient for
me to download fvwm on the Windows machine here, run it over to my Linux
box, and test it out.

I had originally submitted bug reports within a day of 19990521, but they
never got through, it seems. I figured that it might be worthwhile to
re-report 2-week old bugs, in case I was the only one to notice & report

Anyway, since the development pace seems to be very rapid, I'll keep to
myself until I get net access from my Linux box. Then, I will play with
the latest snaps and let you all know if I see anything funky. :-)


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Received on Mon Jun 07 1999 - 11:27:09 BST

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