FVWM: 'losing' windows on restart

From: jason <jason_at_sdf.lonestar.org>
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 23:25:28 +0000 ( )

I sent a message detailing this problem a couple weeks ago, but it seems
it never got through and I was gone for a while, so here is my problem

In both 2.3.2 and snapshot 990521 (I think), the last two I had the chance
to download, I had a problem with windows being lost upon Restart ("Read
.fvwm2rc"). I could see them in the Pager, and they were always in the
page just below the one I was in, following me around the desk. Even if I
specified these windows to be non-sticky and restarted (with "Read
.fvwm2rc"), they still followed me around the desk. (Is this a bug, too?)

I found that the windows that did this were precisely those windows that
had negative geometries (at least in the Y-direction). My setup is not
fancy--I just run a bunch of little iconic programs (Sticky) along the top
of the screen. Since some of them have shaped icons, in order to fit them
nicely, I have to start them wita h negative Y-direction position, e.g.

program_name -geometry 50x50+400-3

These windows with a negative position argument are the ones that
"disappear" to the page below the current page when I call "Restart"
(which again is "Read .fvwm2rc"). I did not see this problem in 2.2.x.
The only workaround I know of is to quit fvwm, and log back into X.

Anyway, as I am not sitting in front of my Linux box right now, I can't
give a more detailed report. I'm recalling this from memory, but I think
I got everything straight. If more info is needed (e.g. the contents of
.fvwm_restart), please contact me. Oh, and keep up the good work. :-)


p.s. Sorry if this was noticed and fixed. Like I said, I have not had a
chance to download and try newer snapshots.

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Received on Fri Jun 04 1999 - 23:24:30 BST

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