FVWM: Re: Empty function arguments (was Re: Finally moved to 2.2 etc etc)

From: Dan Espen <dane_at_mk.telcordia.com>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 20:15:32 -0400

dsg_at_mitre.org (David S. Goldberg) writes:
> > It should. It must be started:
> > "Module FvwmForm MyQuitVerify".
> No amount of quoting helps. Here's a trace having put some Echo's
> into the functions:

Its not the quoting that I was trying to convey.
I didn't see in your problem report where you used the word
"Module". You can't just issue the command:

FvwmForm MyQuitVerify

you have to use the command

Module FvwmForm MyQuitVerify

If I'm being dumb, and I missed it, let us know. Eventually one of us
WILL get to the bottom of this.

> In FvwmConsole I try
> warp-or-run MyQuitVerify FvwmForm MyQuitVerify or
> warp-or-run MyQuitVerify "FvwmForm MyQuitVerify" or
> warp-or-run MyQuitVerify 'FvwmForm MyQuitVerify'
> All three result in
> [FVWM][Echo]: Next (MyQuitVerify CirculateHit) myfocus 50 50 Iconify -1
> [FVWM][Echo]: None (MyQuitVerify CirculateHit) run-then-warp MyQuitVerify Fv
> wmForm MyQuitVerify $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9
> [FVWM][Echo]: run-then-warp MyQuitVerify FvwmForm MyQuitVerify $2 $3 $4 $5 $
> 6 $7 $8
> [FVWM][Echo]: Wait MyQuitVerify
> X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range for oper
> ation)
> Major opcode of failed request: 1 (X_CreateWindow)
> Value in failed request: 0x0
> Serial number of failed request: 31
> Current serial number in output stream: 41
> with the only difference being whether $2 or $3 shows up as the first
> $ arg in the call to run-then-warp. In 2.0.46, the extraneous $ args
> were evaluated to nothing and didn't show up in such a trace (and the
> function worked).
> --
> Dave Goldberg

Dan Espen
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214           E-mail: dane_at_mk.telcordia.com
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