Re: FVWM: X-Terminals

From: Bob Woodside <>
Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 22:49:22 -0400

Also sprach Sam Krishnabhat:
> Thus spake Bob Woodside:
> >
> > Also, in most cases you'd probably want to set a style like
> >
> > Style "xterm" SkipMapping
> Can you please explain me how this option SkipMapping is useful.
> An example will be very useful. I checked the max page, it is very brief.

        Normally when a window is created on a desktop or page other than the
current one, FVWM switches to that desktop/page. SkipMapping prevents
this: your viewport doesn't change when the new window is created. So,
you can continue working in some other app while the new one - Netscape,
for example - takes its sweet time starting up. And you can take your
sweet time about switching to the page with the new app - when you're
good and ready.

        Now, in Brian's case, which started this discussion, he wants to start
up several xterms - I presume all at the same time, at startup. Without
using the SkipMapping style, FVWM would be ping-ponging back and forth
among different pages untill all these windows got mapped. It's really a
pretty ugly sight.

- Bob
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Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 21:49:40 BST

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