FVWM: Multi Desk Question

From: Keven R. Pittsinger <jamstar_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 21:53:06 -0400

OK, I'm using Fvwm 2.2, and I like it. I'm also using XFCE 2.4.0 as a toolbar
and I want to migrate to using FvwmWharf instead. What I need is a way to
flip between desktops with a function key. The appropriate snips of my

DeskTopSize 3x3

AddToFunc "InitFunction"
+ "I" Desk 0 3
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 3

AddToFunc "RestartFunction"
+ "I" Desk 0 3
+ "I" Module FvwmPager 0 3

I want to keep the 3x3 size and 4 desks. The pager works fine with XFCE. I
tried something like this to flip between desks:

Key F1 RTSF A GotoPage 1 4
Key F2 RTSF A GotoPage 1 3
Key F3 RTSF A GotoPage 1 2
Key F4 RTSF A GotoPage 1 1

This doesn't work, it just bounces me around on the screens on one desk. I need to bounce to different desks.

OK, so what am I doing wrong here??


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