Re: FVWM: can't figure out how to refocus

From: Adam Tla/lka <>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 09:07:20 +0100 (MET)

On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Tim Phipps wrote:

> > But generally speaking it will be nice to have additional function
> > in fvwm which places window on the top of window list like Focus but does
> > it by not changing order of other windows :
> This is what FlipFocus does and why it was invented.
> > ... a b c d e d b c e a
> The only thing that has happend here that wouldn't happen with FlipFocus
> is that [a] has been moved to the bottom. The order becomes dabce rather
> than dbcea. Why do you want [a] to go to the bottom?

I want this to get behaviour similar to Prev and then Focus but without
reordering windows which are on other pages/desks. I need this
to activate proper window (the last active one) after switching
pages/desks. Focus is bad in that situation because it changes order to
d e a b c which places e befor b and c.

> AddToFunc Iconify-and-Prev "I" PrevFlip
> + I WindowId $w Iconify 1
OK, I'll try that.


 . . Adam Tla/lka ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
  ) System & Network Administration Group ~~~~~~
  - Computer Center, Technical University of Gdansk, Poland
     PGP public key: finger

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