FVWM: Patch for FVWM 2.2 to fix clicks

From: Dan D Niles <dan_at_more.net>
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 11:25:59 -0600

Here is the fix I promised. Please disregard the previous patch, as
this one replaces that one. If you already applied the other one,
un-apply it.

Dan D Niles

---------------------- fvwm-2.2.click.patch -------------------------
--- fvwm/complex.c.orig Tue Mar 9 12:04:57 1999
+++ fvwm/complex.c Wed Mar 10 11:16:37 1999
_at_@ -157,6 +157,9 @@
   XQueryPointer( dpy, Scr.Root, &JunkRoot, &JunkChild,
                 &x,&y,&JunkX, &JunkY, &JunkMask);
+ /* Take the click which started this fuction off the
+ * Event queue. -DDN- Dan D Niles dniles_at_iname.com */
+ XCheckMaskEvent(dpy, ButtonPressMask, &d);
   /* Wait and see if we have a click, or a move */
   /* wait 100 msec, see if the user releases the button */
_at_@ -169,12 +172,6 @@
   /* If it was a click, wait to see if its a double click */
   if((HaveDoubleClick) && (type == CLICK) &&
      (IsClick(x,y,ButtonPressMask, &d)))
- {
- ev = &d;
- }
- if((HaveDoubleClick) && (type == ONE_AND_A_HALF_CLICKS) &&
- (IsClick(x,y,ButtonReleaseMask, &d)))
       type = DOUBLE_CLICK;
       ev = &d;
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Received on Wed Mar 10 1999 - 11:26:49 GMT

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