Re: FVWM: stuff...

From: Jim Nicholson <>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 1999 20:31:23 -0500 (EST)

Scott Scriven writes:
> John Anderson wrote:

> > Also, If anyone has suggestions of what features should go into this
> > themeing mechanism, please tell me, I would hate to put something on
> > that was not the best. Right now, it has dynamic (as
> > above) menus and theme switching, background switching and tarball
> > extraction.. also, it sports a better way of organization.
> One "feature" I'd love to see is the ability to configure whether background
> images are part of the "theme". I personally dislike having the two
> connected, but a lot of people disagree. About the closest I get to
> including a background with a theme is doing an optional "Exec bkgd green"
> when switching to a green-ish theme. (my backgrounds are sorted by color,
> and a green one would be randomly chosen)

Not to imply that anything good can come out of Redmond, the Win98
themes manager does allow selective opt-out of various aspects of each
theme (sounds, mouse icons, fonts, colors, background, screen saver,
etc. That's what I was driving at with my blather about plugins; each
aspect of the theme should be loaded independently, so one could mix
and match.

Also, is FvwmBacker faster these days? Last time I played with it, it
was a dog...

> Also, it'd be neat to have some sort of consistency between actions in
> different themes. So, keyboard (and most mouse) input might be better off
> in a "fvwm-input" file instead of being included with each theme. (but
> titlebar button-actions would have to be in the theme, of course)

If a theme sets icons for apps, there especially needs to be an
opt-out; anyone using an Icon Manager will want that.

> For theme switching, the easiest method I've found to switch on the fly is
> to have each theme in a separate file, and access them through a menu
> similar to this in my "fvwm-theme":
> DestroyFunc ReadStyle
> AddToFunc ReadStyle
> # Restore the defaults
> + "I" Read fvwm-theme.default
> # Change the theme...
> + "I" Read $0
> # Restore the user's override settings...
> + "I" Read
> + "I" Recapture
> DestroyMenu "NewTheme"
> AddToMenu "NewTheme"
> + "Choose A New Theme" Title
> + "&Pseudo" ReadStyle fvwm-theme.pseudo
> + "&Hazard" ReadStyle fvwm-theme.hazard
> + "&Granite" ReadStyle fvwm-theme.granite
> ...blablabla...
> To add new themes to the collection, just add a line to this menu. I also
> add them to my "RandomTheme" function, so I'll get a different one each time
> I log in. It's also handy to have a "Read .fvwm2rc.theme" at the bottom of
> the file so users can add their own customized stuff. I make sure to do
> this in each config file, since I'm defining the default configuration for
> all my users, and everyone has different tastes.
> Backgrounds can easily be handled by another dynamic menu. I keep
> backgrounds in /usr/local/lib/X11/backgrounds/ and $HOME/backgrounds/, and a
> "bkgd" script uses these. It's reasonably easy to convert a filesystem tree
> into a menu structure with piperead, so the user can select a specific
> background or an entire directory to pick one randomly.
> If you're interested, the bkgd script is available on my page (below), and I
> can send you my current (unfinished) fvwm2 setup. (the one on my page is a
> bit outdated now)
> :)
> _ _ _ _ ___ ___ -----------"Use the source, Luke!"---------
> ( \/ ( \/ (__ (__ ) | ~ Scott Scriven (Toy Keeper / XYZZ) |
> \ / \ / // // | |
> / \ / / //_ //_ | |
> (_/\_(_/ (___(___) | |
> --
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Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 20:00:43 GMT

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