Re: FVWM: stuff...

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 08 Mar 1999 01:44:44 -0500

%% John Anderson <> writes:

  ja> This is Cobalt from over at I am working on a new
  ja> method for fvwm themes. This newer version has dynamic menus and
  ja> background switcher. I have two questions. First, is it possible to
  ja> have an Exec command and a Restart Fvwm2 command for the same menu item,
  ja> like "+ bleh Exec blah Restart Fvwm2"? If not, how would I accomplish
  ja> this same task.

Can't you write a function that contains these two commands, then
execute that for the menu item?

  ja> The second is this: Is it possible to have the menus changed on
  ja> the fly w/o a restart? I am using PipeRead now to change menus,
  ja> however this is annoying because it takes a restart for the menus
  ja> to change. I would like them to change whenever the menu is
  ja> opened, if that is possible.

No, I don't think that's possible. Fvwm doesn't provide any "hook" when
a menu is opened where you could insert an action.

However, you don't need a restart; I modify menus all the time without
restarting. For example, I put a "*Rescan*" menu item on the menu that
does a PipeRead; the trick is that the first command read should be a
DestroyMenu to get rid of the old menu, otherwise you'll get the info

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 00:46:40 GMT

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