Re: FVWM: ./configure and Xpm lib

From: Paul D. Smith <>
Date: 27 Feb 1999 09:59:45 -0500

%% patrick <> writes:

  p> This is getting a bit frustraiting. After I run ./configure
  p> at the end I get:

  p> Build extra modules? no
  p> Have ReadLine support? no
  p> Have RPlay support? no
  p> Have XPM support? no: Xpm library version is too old!

  p> OK now I am not sure about the first 3 (do I need them??) I couldn't
  p> find out much about them from the files in the ./docs directory. :-(

Readline is used by the FvwmConsole module, which lets you talk directly
to fvwm to change configuration "on the fly"; it provides history and
command line editing. If you don't use FvwmConsole, you don't care.

Rplay is used by FvwmEvent to play sounds when certain events happen.
If you don't use FvwmEvent, you don't care.

Extra modules are just that: extra modules that aren't as well supported
as the "standard" modules. You can look in the "extra" subdirectory of
fvwm and see if you are interested in anything there.

  p> But my main concern is the Xpm lib. I believe I have a current version
  p> of the XPM lib. According to the ./docs/FAQ file the requirement is
  p> version 3.4f or better. Well this is what I show on my system:

  p> /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.a
  p> /usr/X11R6/lib/ ->
  p> /usr/X11R6/lib/

  p> Which shows that my system meets that requirement (unless the
  p> rules of math have changed recently: 4.3 > 3.4f).

Unfortunately, that's not how it works. The 4.3 is not directly
comparible to the 3.4f. The best way to see what version you have is to
look at the /usr/X11R6/include/X11/xpm.h file.

When doing xpm versioning, you drop the 3 and change the letter to a
number. So, 3.4f relates to the shared lib version 4.6 (f == 6). Your
version is 3.4c (c == 3) which is too old. The most recent version is
3.4g, so you can't have anything newer than that.

Hey, we don't have anything to do with versioning xpm! :)

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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