Re: FVWM: How to move window to the next page?

From: Brad Giaccio <>
Date: Tue, 16 Feb 1999 14:12:50 -0500

On Tue, Feb 16, 1999 at 07:14:30PM +0100, Meik Hellmund wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to have a function (connected to a button) which moves
> a window to the next page. I tried something like
> AddToFunc move-to-next-page
> + "I" Scroll 100000 0
> + "I" WindowId $w MoveToPage
> in fvwm-2.1.10, but it doesn't work. The viewpoint switches, but the window
> stays on the old page.

You can do
AddToFunc move-to-right-page
+ "I" Move w+100 w
AddToFunc move-to-left-page
+ "I" Move w-100 w

the first arg is x and the second is y the integer by default is a
percentage, if you want the pointer to move with the window add Warp as
the last arg of Move. Try doing man fvwm2, and look for Move it gives a
better explination and examples.

--- There are two kinds of knowledge, you either know the answer or
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