FVWM: Auto Focus on NewWindow (FvwmEvent busted?)

From: Christopher Petersen <maver_at_nortelnetworks.com>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 20:41:30 -0400

OK. I've been through the FAQ...forward, backward, and sideways
in an attempt to spare the list. And what I found in the FAQ will
not work for me.

Specifically, I cannot get answer 3.18 to do what I want. Here's
the example given in 3.18:

     DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent*
     *FvwmEvent add_window SetGeometryForMyWindow

     DestroyFunc SetGeometryForMyWindow
     AddToFunc SetGeometryForMyWindow
     + I Next ("My Window") Move +10p +10p
     + I Next ("My Window") Resize 100p 200p

     AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent

What I want is to warp the focus to a specific new window when it
pops up (say, the "Netscape: Find" window). I attempt to do this
(in version 2.2.5) by:

     DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent*
     *FvwmEvent add_window WarpToFind

     DestroyFunc WarpToFind
     AddToFunc WarpToFind
     + I Next ("My Window") Focus
     + I Next ("My Window") WarpToWindow 50 33

     AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent

This doesn't work. WHY?

BTW, I've also tried replacing "add_window" with other events
such as "raise_window" and "deiconify". No luck. I've also
tried replacing "Next" with "WindowId $0". No luck.

If you can, please help.
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Received on Thu Apr 19 2001 - 19:42:34 BST

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