Re: FVWM: Strange "Key" problem (2.1.10)

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 08:52:54 -0500

Philip Hallstrom <> writes:
> Hi -
> I have the following line in my .fvwmrc file:
> Key F15 WITFS A RaiseLower
> I have remapped the windows key to behave like F15 (edited the keymap file
> for FreeBSD...)
> Upon starting fvwm, this mapping doesn't work, but if I restart fvwm
> (Restart fvwm2), then it works just fine.
> This is the only mapping that is doing this. It is also the only mapping
> that is an F key...
> Is anyone else having this problem? Does anyone eles know of a work
> around?

I've never heard of a problem like this. I use lots of F-key mappings.

Are you getting the key mapped before fvwm2 starts?

Watch out for background processes, for example, don't do this:

xmodmap .xmodmap&

> --
> Philip Hallstrom

Dan Espen
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Received on Wed Feb 03 1999 - 07:54:42 GMT

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