FVWM: Misc Problems

From: Andrew Laden <andrew_at_sgc.com>
Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 14:15:25 -0500 (EST)

Heya all.
 Few misc problems.

Fvwm 2.1.10, solaris 2.5.1, With xpm.

1: Decorating transients in Netscape 4.5 and others.

 Using netscape 4.5, with my decor set essentailly to the Windows 95 look
provided in the sample config files.
 Netscape occasionally pops up secondary windows. Advertisements,
supplimental windows etc.
 These windows dont get all the buttons that I have defined. In
particular, they dont get button 2, which is mapped to close. Its
annoying, since thats what I usually want to do with those windows. Its
not greyed out in the menu, so there is no "hint" blocking it. However,
the iconify and maximize are greyed out in some of them, yet I still see
the iconify button. Maybe there is some bug between mapping what buttons
should be hinted out vs what buttons actually are?
 I noticed the same thing with Sun's "Calendar manager". On the
appointment editor window, maximize and iconify are greyed out, close is
not, but the iconify button is the only one on the title bar.

 There used to be a "decorate transients" style setting, but I dont see it
in the man pages any more.

 Any idea how I can get these windows fully decorated?

2: FwvmPager middle button.
 According to the man page, the middle button...

     Dragging mouse button 2 on a miniature view of a window will
     cause that window to be move to the location where you
     release the mouse button, but your viewport will not change.

My problem is that the viewport DOES change. If I have a window on the
screen. and I use the panner and drag the window to another page, my
viewport changes to that page.
 If I click using button 2 on a mini-view of a window in another pager,
that window gets keyboard focus (correct behavior) but my viewport also
switches to that page (incorrect behavior)
 Bug? Or some odd style or other setting that says the window with
keyboard focus is automatically rasied and warped to?

Andrew V. Laden               | Voice: (212) 486-8295
A.V.P. Technology             | Fax  : (212) 355-4271
Sakura Global Capital         | Quote: "Its not my fault!
andrew_at_sgc.com                |          They told me they fixed it!"
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