Re: FVWM: help!!!

From: Paul D. Smith <psmith_at_BayNetworks.COM>
Date: 10 Jan 1999 16:35:10 -0500

%% Stewart Hector <> writes:

  sh> I've just installed fvwm2 2.1.5 for Intel Red Hat Linux, i am
  sh> wondering how to:

Did you install it from source (run configure, etc.) or find an RPM
somewhere and install from that? I'll assume the former, since if the
latter you should read the RPM docs for info on the uninstall, etc.

  sh> 1. Uninstall fvwm2 so I can install it in a different location -
  sh> i don't want redundant files hanging around. I installed it in the
  sh> default directories, but I want to install it to
  sh> /usr/X11R6/lib/fvwm2

There's a GNU standard "make uninstall" rule that fvwm supports but,
I'll be honest, I doubt anyone has ever run it before. It'll probably
work OK. Note it won't delete any of the new directories created, I
don't think (/usr/local/lib/fvwm/2.1.5 for example).

Alternatively you should be able to just:

  # rm -f /usr/local/bin/fvwm2
  # rm -f /usr/local/bin/xpmroot
  # rm -rf /usr/local/lib/fvwm
  # rm -f /usr/local/man/man1/fvwm2.1
  # rm -f /usr/local/man/man1/xpmroot.1
  # rm -f /usr/local/man/man1/Fvwm*.1

I think that gets it all.

  sh> 2 Is there any documentation about the configuration file ie,
  sh> fvwm2.sample. I know there are samples that other people have done, but
  sh> i'd rather read what each section does.

The fvwm2 man page contains extensive documentation on all the
configuration file commands.

  sh> 3. Also, is there a program that codes the colours from say, grey
  sh> numeric value, ie, 808080

Not with fvwm. Some of the color chooser apps might do this. Note I
think fvwm understands many different color code styles.

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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