Re: FVWM: num-lock a modifier?

From: Kent Howard <>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 15:40:32 -0800

On Sun, Dec 20, 1998 at 11:26:34PM +1100, Sue Blake wrote:
| On Sun, Dec 20, 1998 at 03:09:26AM -0800, Kent Howard wrote:
| > Why does Num-Lock cause my key and mouse bindings not to work?
| > Is it being treated as a modifier for some reason?
| I'd noticed that, and it seemed consistent so I built my whole .fvwm2rc
| around it. With numlock off most function keys etc have been assigned
| handy actions. With numlock on all keys go straight to whatever's
| running in the current window.
| This way of working has become addictive, so I do hope it's not just a
| quirk. Can anyone confirm it's supposed to be so? Could another key be
| used for this purpose instead, in order to leave the numlock on all the
| time?

Well this seems to help...

I reversed the action of the num-lock key by running the
following commands through xmodmap. So when Num-Lock is off, the
numerals are produced; and when Num-Lock is on, the
Home/arrows/Page ones work.

keysym KP_Home = KP_7 KP_Home
keysym KP_Up = KP_8 KP_Up
keysym KP_Prior = KP_9 KP_Prior
keysym KP_Left = KP_4 KP_Left
keysym KP_Begin = KP_5 KP_Begin
keysym KP_Right = KP_6 KP_Right
keysym KP_End = KP_1 KP_End
keysym KP_Down = KP_2 KP_Down
keysym KP_Next = KP_3 KP_Next
keysym KP_Insert = KP_0 KP_Insert
keysym KP_Delete = KP_Decimal KP_Delete
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Received on Sun Dec 20 1998 - 17:42:54 GMT

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