FVWM: menu delays

From: Kent Howard <kent_at_concentrictool.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Dec 1998 02:55:31 -0800

I recently built a 2.1.6 version from CVS.

I noticed that my root menu requires a relatively long hold time
(about a half second) on a menu item before it'll work. Don't
know what is going on with that; anyone else see this? Title-bar
buttons seem to work fine with a short click.

- Kent

----- system information -----

  libc: 2.0.7
    cc: egcs-2.90.27 980315 (egcs-1.0.2 release)
kernel: 2.0.35 (Linux-x86)
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Received on Sun Dec 20 1998 - 04:57:00 GMT

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