FVWM: Updates to FVWM related software

From: Mikhael Goikhman <migo_at_homemail.com>
Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 19:26:41 -0600

Here is a quick status of new FVWM related releases.

* fvwm-2.3.30 - a first 2.4 release candidate. But you should not wait,
this release is better than 2.2.x in just all aspects including stability.
You can get it from http://www.fvwm.org/ .

* fvwm-themes-0.4.2 - requires fvwm-2.3.30 and optionally wm-icons-0.3.0.
You can get it from http://fvwm-themes.sourceforge.net/ .

* wm-icons-0.3.0 - a much improved icon distribution, which can be used by
itself or for adding a themability to fvwm-themes (you may be surprised).
You can get it from http://wm-icons.sourceforge.net/ .

If you use RedHat 6 compatible system (RH7, Mandrake, SuSE) there are
RPM packages for all the mentioned releases in a new place:


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Received on Thu Mar 29 2001 - 19:27:18 BST

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