Re: FVWM: Two bug I found in FvwmButtons with panel (Fvwm-2.1.4)

From: William Denton <>
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 1998 22:00:42 -0500 (EST)

On Sat, 5 Dec 1998, Guangyong Xu wrote:

: Hi, I think I've found another two bugs in FvwmButtons using panel
: in fvwm-2.1.4 on my linux 2.0.36 PC.

Your previous messages, and my success in adapting my FvwmButtons
set-up to the new format, led me to experiment a bit with
FvwmButtonPanels. I copied the WindowOps example from the man page
and got it working (with the addition of the Up as you mentioned) but
it froze my session once, necessitating a hard reboot, and once it
killed X. I've gone back to not using FvwmButtonPanels.

Aside from those problems, everything's fine here, with a pretty
standard 486 Slackware Linux 2.0.32 gcc system.

William Denton | Toronto, Canada | | Caveat lector.
"'Whom are you?' said he, for he had been to night school." - George Ade
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Received on Sat Dec 05 1998 - 21:01:10 GMT

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