FVWM: FVWM-2.1.4

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 04 Dec 1998 18:49:46 -0600

The F???? Virtual Window Manager workers list is pleased to
announce the first official beta test version of Fvwm2 (version
number 2.1.4). Available at


it includes the following features:

*) New web site, overhauled documentation and a new Bug
   tracking system.
*) Improved menu handling with animated menus, improved cursor
   key navigation, individual menu styles and better overall
*) Enhanced window and focus handling (SnapAttraction and
   Direction commands).
*) New commands for desks and pages (MoveToPage, MoveToDesk,
   FvwmPager showing the current desk).
*) Proper Windoze95 style Alt-Tab behaviour.
*) Animated iconification and window movement and animated panels
   in FvwmButtons (like CDE).
*) Mini title windows for FvwmPager (aka Balloons).
*) FvwmEvent is the successor of FvwmAudio. FvwmAudio is still
*) FvwmTile and FvwmCascade modules were replaced by
   FvwmRearrange. Shells for FvwmTile and FvwmCascade provide
   backward compatibility.
*) Improved FvwmButtons button placement to give absolute control
   over where the buttons are placed.
*) Color limiting (previously available thru patches).
*) Multiple Icon Boxes, Icon box grids, and Icon box fill
   direction control (previously available thru patches).
*) Faster startup.
*) Lots of bug fixes to improve stability.
*) Many small enhancements too numerous to list here.
*) Consistent copying policy.
*) GNU autoconf support.

More detailed information on the contents of this release can be
found at:


Although the maintainers feel this beta is quite stable there are
some known problems that shall be fixed before the final release
(and some that will have to wait). You can find a list of known
bugs in the BUGS file at the top level of the distribution.

Before you report a bug, please read the manpages, the NEWS file
and the FAQ too. If you can solve your problem this way but still
feel the information was too hard to find, please tell us.

To submit a bug, please follow the link to the FVWM bug tracking
system on our web page.

Beta testers needed:

You like fvwm and want to help? Become a beta tester. You can just
download the distribution and run your latest setup with the new
beta, but I you feel like doing something really helpful, pick an
area from the following list, try to test it as completely as you
can and report your test setup to the fvwm-workers mailing list:


 - Compile fvwm2 on as many different platforms and with as many
   combinations of options as you can (see INSTALL.fvwm for a
   list of options).

 - Try to break fvwm with exotic setups and syntax errors in the
   configuration file.

 - Play with the new menu features (animated menus, individual
   menu styles, position hints, cursor key movement etc.)

 - Test the new features in FvwmButtons (animated panels, button
   geometries, button placement algorithm). Panels are somewhat
   difficult to understand so please read the manpage (there are
   some examples).

 - Thorough test of FvwmPager. The configuration parser has been
   changed so every option should be tested.

 - Thorough test of FvwmIconMan. The configuration parser has
   been changed so every option should be tested.

 - Test the new module FvwmAnimate.

 - Test the new module FvwmEvent.

Jason L Tibbitts III - tibbs_at_uh.edu - 713/743-3486 - 660PGH - 94 PC800
   System Manager:  University of Houston Department of Mathematics 
      "I survived while Ruby died in Jackie's trashy fantasy..."
Visit the official FVWM web page at <URL:http://www.hpc.uh.edu/fvwm/>.
To unsubscribe from the list, send "unsubscribe fvwm" in the body of a
message to majordomo_at_hpc.uh.edu.
To report problems, send mail to fvwm-owner_at_hpc.uh.edu.
Received on Fri Dec 04 1998 - 18:50:10 GMT

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