FVWM: new dev, fvwm2.0.46

From: Mohsin_Ahmed <mosh_at_sasi.com>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 17:24:11 +0530

Hi, Recently I switched to linux redhat 5.1 and fvwm (from
MS-NT4). I downloaded rebuilt fvwm2 and found new [Alt-tab]
more different than in 5.1. I have a couple of questions.

I looked at fvwm:builtin.c:NextFunc() but couldn't get it to
wrap back to first window in taskbar; why is circulate() so
complicated - any doc will be helpful.

Another thing I wanted to try was autoraise a window, (I
don't like clicking mouse at all), by moving the mouse over
in the taskbar. I couldn't find any references to 'Ballons'.
Ballons work and are listed in my .fvwm2rc.

Also, gnu emacs came with emacs.xbm, using xv, I converted
it into emacs.xpm, yet it won't show up on the taskbar.

So how do I see all the debug/error messages? How do I run
fvwm2 under a debugger?

Any help/pointer/docs will be appreciated.


in India, where the sun is.

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