FVWM: ColormapFocus problem

From: Colin J. Wynne <cwynne_at_brutus.mts.jhu.edu>
Date: Fri, 6 Nov 1998 11:37:21 -0500 (EST)

For some reason, when fvwm2 (v2.0.46) parses my .fvwm2rc file and
finds the line

    ColormapFocus FollowsFocus

it produces the following error:

    [FVWM][SetColormapFocus]: <<ERROR>> ColormapFocus requires 1 arg:
    FollowsFocus or FollowsMouse
And yet, when I cut and paste that same line into an FvwmConsole, it
sets the color focus correctly without complaint.

Any ideas?


    /\        Colin J. Wynne            Johns Hopkins University
   (())                              Dep't of Mathematical Sciences
  /____\   ``Lunatic-at-Large''        E-Mail: cwynne_at_mts.jhu.edu
/________\ ``Liberty means responsibility.  That is why most men
             dread it.''                        ---George Bernard Shaw
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