FVWM: FVWM2 Compile Errors (the completion)

From: brandon maust <bmaust_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 1998 17:37:32 -0500

>Have you re-processed the ld.so.conf? I think this is required for ld to
>work properly. The command is ldconfig. Apologies if this is old news.

I tried this but it didn't seem to help. I had just re-built Imake so i imagine that probably took care of it.

>You might need to give ld the '-L' option to tell it the directory which
>the library is in. i.e. ld -L /path/to/Xpm-lib a.o b.o ... -lXpm

>I think the compiler is looking for /usr/X11R6/lib/libXpm.a. It seems a
>good thing to do is to check if you have it. [...]

These were both part of the problem. Apparently my libXpm.a was in /usr/X11R6.3/lib instead, so i just copied the files (i would have sym. linked them, but i seem to always mess things up with that); it was a dirty solution, but i don't have much time for anything else right now.

Anyway it compiled now. Thanks so much for the help

(ps apparently the message sent twice...my apologies)

/   \ Brandon Maust
|-_at_-| bmaust_at_bigfoot.com
\   / http://www.enter.net/~bmaust
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