Re: FVWM: window attraction patch

From: AJ Weber <>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:44:08 -0700

> That would be a GREAT feature -- iff you can use as a Style parameter,
> thereby being able to selectively enable/disbale on a per Style basis.
> For instance, maybe i only want my Gimp pallets to snap to other
> windows.
> Alternatively, you might want to selectively turn off the ability for
> other windows to snap to you:
> Maybe sticky windows should not be snapped to. Also windows that are
> always-on-top or always-on-bottom.
> Wharf, Fwvmbuttons, the pager maybe should not be snapped to.
> I say let the user decide these things by adding the appropriate
> variables.

Yeah, the current patch is just a global effect. However, I have been
trying to work out exactly where to go with this. The Style this is
probably easy enough, but I was thinking along the lines of window groups.
If it were easy to associate groups of windows (either by direct interaction
on instances, or by type ala Styles) one could move groups of windows.

So in your gimp example you could move your gimp group all at once w/o
interfereing with other windows.

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