FVWM: another (nice!) suggestion

From: Neil Zanella <nzanella_at_cs.mun.ca>
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 08:55:01 -0230 (NDT)

It's me again with yet another innovative suggestion:

There should be a property that could be defined in the .fvwm2rc config file
with the line:


or something like that. What it would do is the following: say I am typing in
an xterm and launch netscape. On small screens especially, typically netscape
ends up covering the xterm window. As you are typing, you end up typing into the
window with the netscape browser (netscape takes about 15 minuts to come up on
my PC so I usually try to do something else while it launches). The same applies
to other applications, not just Netscape. So when I launch them, I don't care
where they end up, as long as they don't cover the window that has focus (or
the window that had last focus if i am launching from a menu).

I think it's a very desirable feature, and IMHO it's just as useful in speeding
things up as "SloppyFocus". I am sick and tired of having to move windows out
of the way just cause they popup in the wrong spot (I use "Smart"Placement).
On the other hand I would hate to have to use the mous to position a window all
the time.

Please send me some feedback on this,



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Received on Sat Oct 03 1998 - 06:25:20 BST

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