Re: FVWM: Dumping current config?

From: <>
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 10:15:19 +0200 said:
> > > Now, the problem is that I dont know exactly what changes I did, but I like
> > > my current config. Styles, Decors, misc stuff, etc.
> > > Is there a way I can dump my current config to a fvwm2rc-style file so that
> > > I can get the same config when I kill my fvwm2 sesssion and log in again. I
> > > eventually _have_ to reboot my machine, you know! :-)
> > Have a look at the FvwmSaveDesk and FvwmSave modules.
> Bzzt. Nope. This will save information about my X clients, etc to a
> new.xinitrc-style. I want to save the configuration of the fvwm2 itself in
> a .fvwm2rc -style file. Get the difference?

Yup, we do. I can't say if that's possible today or not (I'd guess not),
but it's a really nice feature that I'd like added to the FVWM ToDo-list.
Anyone have thoughts on how to accomplish this?

Things like that add tons of value for a lot of end-users.

/Mattias - eagerly awaiting 2.2 release
Mattias Borell, Software Engineer at NetLab, R&D dept. of:
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Received on Fri Jul 24 1998 - 03:16:02 BST

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